Antoniou, T. Lament for Michelle for Solo Flute (1988)
Bach, C.P.E. Sonata in A minor, Wq. 132 (~1747)
Bach, J.S. Partita in A minor, BWV 1013 (~1723)
Boyle, Rory. Touch for Solo Flute (2009)
Bozza, Eugène. Image, Op.38 (1940)
Debussy, Claude. Syrinx (1913)
Marais, Marin. Les Folies d’Espagne for Solo Flute (1701)
Paganini, Niccolò. Caprices for Solo Flute, Op.1 (1802-1817)
Piazzola, Astor. Tango Etudes (1987)
Telemann, G.P. 12 Fantasias for Solo Flute,TWV 40:2-13 (1732-1733)
Say, Fazıl. Mayıs, for Solo Flute (2020)
Stamitz, J.A. Rondo capriccioso
Takemitsu, T. Air for Solo Flute (1971)
Quantz, J.J. 16 Pieces for Solo Flute (1775-1782)
Flute and Orchestra
Bach, J.S. Suite in B Minor, BWV 1067 (1738-1739)
Bach, C.P.E. Concerto in D Minor, Wq. 22 (1747)
Chaminade, Cécile, Concertino, Op. 107 (1902)
Gluck, C.W. Concerto in G Major for Flute and String Orchestra
Haydn, F.J. Concerto in D Major ( early 1760s)
Ibert, Jacques. Flute Concerto (1932)
Khachaturian, Aram. Concerto for Flute and Orchestra (1940)
Maquet, Jules. La Flute de Pan, Op. 15, sonata for Flute and Orchestra, Op.15 (1904)
Mozart, W.A. Concerto in G Major, K.313 (1778)
Mozart, W.A. Concerto in D Major, K.314 (1777-1778)
Mozart, W.A. Andante in C major, K.315 (1778)
Stamitz, C.P. Concerto in G Major, Op.29 (1780 ca)
Quantz, J.J. Concerto in G Major, QV 5:174
Vivaldi, A. ‘La Notte’ Flute Concerto in G Minor, RV. 439 (1728)
Flute and Piano
Arrieu, Claude. Sonatine for Flute and Piano (1946)
Bach, J.S. Sonata in E-flat Major, BWV 1031 (1717-1723)
Bach, J.S. Sonata in G Minor, BWV 1020 (1717-1723)
Bach, J.S. Sonata in A Major, BWV 1032 (1717-1723)
Bach, J.S. Sonata in C Major, BWV 1033 (1717-1723)
Bach, J.S. Sonata in E Major, BWV 1035 (1717-1723)
Bach, J.S. Sonata in E Minor, BWV 1034 (1717-1723)
Bach, J.S. Sonata in B Minor, BWV 1030 (1717-1723)
Borne, Francis. Carmen Fantasie (1875)
Boyd, A. Goldfish Through Summer Rain (1979)
Boyd, A. Bali Moods No.1 (1987)
Boyd, A. Red Sun. Chill Wind (1980)
Caplet, André. Reverie and Petite Valse (1897)
Currier, S. Variations on ‘Time and time Again’ (2000)
Debussy, Claude. Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune (1894)
Debussy, Claude. Le Petit Berger (1909)
Fauré, Gabriel. Morceau de Concours (1898)
Franck, C. Sonata in A Major (1886)
Firsova, Elena. Twilight Bells (2004)
Ganne, Louis. Andante and Scherzo (1901)
Gaubert, P.H. Madrigal (1908)
Godard, Benjamin. Idylle Op. 116
Handel, G.F. Flute Sonatas (before 1703)
Hummel, J.N. Flute Sonata in D Major, Op.50 (1810)
Ibert, Jacques. Aria (1930)
Ibert, Jacques. Histoires (1920-1921)
Meunier, Gérard. Agoudjil for Flute and Piano
Poulenc, F. Sonata (1957)
Prokofiev, S. Sonata in D Major, Op:94 (1943)
Reinecke, Carl. Sonata “Undine” (1882)
Rutter, J. Suite Antique (1979)
SavaÅŸ, Mesruh. Biçimsiz Yansımalar (2009)
SavaÅŸ, Mesruh. Hamsi in Chicago (2010)
Scelsi, Giacinto. Krishna e Radha for Flute and Piano
Schubert, F. Introduction and Variations, D.802 (1824)
Schumann, R. Drei Romanzen, Op:94 (1849)
Taffanel, Paul. Andante Pastorale and Scherzettino (1907)
Telemann, G.P. Suite in A Minor, TWV 55:A-2
Uçarsu, Hasan. Zamansal ÇeliÅŸkiler Kenti, Istanbul (2003)
Say, Fazıl. Preludes for Flute and Piano (1985)
Ün, E.Z. Yunus’un Mezarında (1933)
Yalçın, Yusuf. Sultaniyegah Sirto (2009)
Yalçın, Yusuf. Ūç TÅ«rk Halk Ezgisi (2009)
Flute and Other
Beglarian, Eve, ‘Can I have it without begging’ (2018)
Beglarian, Eve. ‘I will not be sad in this world’ (2006)
Devienne, F. Duets for Two Flutes, Op.18 (ca.1783)
Dodgson, S. Duo for Flute and Harp (1958)
Fujikura, Dai. ‘Poison Mushroom’ (2003)
Heller, Barbara. Soliloquy for Clarinet and Flute (1996)
Ravel, M. Pièce en Forme de Habaǹera, Flute and harp (1907)
Taylor, Ruth. Sonata in F Minor for Flute and Continuo (2001)
Villa-Lobos, Heitor. The Jet Whistle for Flute and Violoncello (1950)
Andersen, J. 24 Etudes Op.15
Demersseman, J. 50 Études mélodiques, Op.4
Dick, Robert. The Other Flute
Gariboldi, G. 20 Studies for Flute, Op.132
Gariboldi, G. 30 Études faciles et progressive pour la flûte
Köhler, Ernesto. 30 Virtuosen Etüden, Op. 7
Köhler, Ernesto. Progress in Flute Playing, Op.33
Köhler, Ernesto. 25 Romantic Etudes for Flute, Op. 66
Maquarre, A. Daily Exercises for The Flute
Moyse, M. 24 Short Melodic Studies
Prill, Emil. Schule für die Böhm-Flöte
Taffanel & Gaubert. Complete Flute Method
Taffanel & Gaubert. Twelve Studies for Virtuosity